Here at Simply NUC we strive to bring technological solutions to all points and places in life. From the office to the home we seek to make a difference.
But then there are moments when even we are surprised and proud of the impact one of our solutions can have.
Meet James, an 11-year-boy like any other, yet just as unique as any.
His father emailed us and shared this simple and moving story and graciously offered for us to share it.
“We have a 11-year-old boy, James who has special needs and a rare genetic condition. He is nonverbal.
We have been using Lumo play for a while and it has been magical for James development. It captures his attention immediately with the interactive floor set up. Each game provides a different experience, but they all encourage his hand to eye coordination and motor skills. For us as parents it’s amazing to see his enjoyment at interacting and achieving a response from his physical movements.
The setup of the equipment is so straight forward. We have the projector mounted in the ceiling and connected to the NUC box which runs the Lumo software. The NUC box is so compact and unobtrusive but packs a punch to power the motion detection from the connected camera.
We are so delighted with the setup and software and it’s such a revelation that this works so well encouraging James capabilities.”
We are both honored and inspired to know the difference the LUMOplay solution has made in James’ life.